Frank Russell, 2nd Earl Russell

Frank Russell, 2nd Earl Russell
Frank Russell, 2nd Earl Russell

John Francis Stanley Russell, 2nd Earl Russell, known as Frank Russell, was the elder surviving son of Viscount and Viscountess Amberley, and was raised by his paternal grandparents after his unconventional parents both died young. He was the grandson of the former prime minister John Russell, 1st Earl Russell and elder brother of the philosopher Bertrand Russell. He was married three times, lastly to Elizabeth von Arnim, who caricatured him in her novel Vera. Despite his landmark achievements in other respects, this Earl Russell is most famous for being tried for bigamy in the House of Lords in 1901, and was known to Edwardian society as the "Wicked Earl".

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
August 12nd, 1865
Date of Death
March 3rd, 1931
Died Aged
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