Fletcher Christian

Fletcher Christian
Fletcher Christian

Fletcher Christian was master's mate on board HMS Bounty during Lieutenant William Bligh's voyage to Tahiti during 1787–1789 for breadfruit plants. In the mutiny on the Bounty, Christian seized command of the ship from Bligh on 28 April 1789. Some of the mutineers were left on Tahiti, while Christian, eight other mutineers, six Tahitian men and eleven Tahitian women settled on isolated Pitcairn Island, and Bounty was burned. After the settlement was discovered in 1808, the sole surviving mutineer gave conflicting accounts of how Christian died.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
September 25th, 1764
Birth Place
United Kingdom, England
Date of Death
September 20th, 1793
Died Aged
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