Ferdinand Verbiest

Ferdinand Verbiest
Ferdinand Verbiest

Father Ferdinand Verbiest was a Flemish Jesuit missionary in China during the Qing dynasty. He was born in Pittem near Tielt in the County of Flanders. He is known as Nan Huairen (南懷仁) in Chinese. He was an accomplished mathematician and astronomer and proved to the court of the Kangxi Emperor that European astronomy was more accurate than Chinese astronomy. He then corrected the Chinese calendar and was later asked to rebuild and re-equip the Beijing Ancient Observatory, being given the role of Head of the Mathematical Board and Director of the Observatory.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
October 9th, 1623
Birth Place
Belgium, Flemish Region
Date of Death
January 28th, 1688
Died Aged
Star Sign
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