Erenfried I

Erenfried I

Erenfried I of Maasgau was the count of Bliesgau, Keldachgau, Bonngau, and the count of Charmois. He married Adelgunde of Burgundy (860–902), a daughter of Conrad II, Duke of Transjurane Burgundy, Count of Auxerre, and Judith de Frioul. They left children:

  • Eberhard I, Count of Bonngau, count in Zülpichgau and in Keldachgau,
  • Hermann I, Archbishop of Cologne (890–924), Chancellor of King Zwentibold of Lorraine,
  • Ermenfried.
From *,
General Info
Date of Death
November 30th, 0903
Died Aged
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