Empress Wang

Empress Wang

Empress Wang, formally Empress Xiaoping (孝平皇后), formally during her father Wang Mang's Xin dynasty Duchess Dowager of Ding'an (定安太后) then Princess Huanghuang (黃皇室主), was an empress during the Han Dynasty and the last empress of the Western Han Dynasty. She was the daughter of the eventual usurper Wang Mang, who established the Xin Dynasty. Her husband was Emperor Ping. She is largely viewed by historians as a tragic figure, the victim of circumstances who tried to remain loyal to her husband of only a few years, but whose faithfulness to her husband's dynasty eventually led her to commit suicide at the end of her father's reign.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
January 1st, -0008
Birth Place
People's Republic of China, Hebei
Date of Death
January 1st, 0023
Died Aged
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