Elizabeth Holmes

Elizabeth Holmes
Elizabeth Holmes

Elizabeth Anne Holmes is a former American businesswoman who founded and was the CEO of Theranos, a now-defunct health technology company. Theranos soared in valuation after the company claimed to have revolutionized blood testing by developing testing methods that could use surprisingly small volumes of blood, such as from a fingerprick. By 2015, Forbes had named Holmes the youngest and wealthiest self-made female billionaire in America, on the basis of a $9-billion valuation of her company. The next year, following revelations of potential fraud about Theranos' claims, Forbes had revised its published estimate of Holmes' net worth to zero, and Fortune had named her one of the "World's Most Disappointing Leaders".

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Full Name
Elizabeth Anne Holmes
Date of Birth
February 3rd, 1984
Birth Place
United States of America, District of Columbia
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