Dragan Talajić

Dragan Talajić
Dragan Talajić

Dragan Talajić is a Croatian former footballer who last coached Saudi Arabian club Al Tai. Talajić played as a goalkeeper and is a football manager who has managed many clubs in Middle East, Thailand and China. He is the winning coach of the 2004 AFC Champions League with Al-Ittihad. For the 2010–11 season Talajić was declared Best Coach of Asia and Best Coach of Arabic football world by television Al Jazeera Sport TV, Best Coach of Arabic football world by MBC Sport TV and Best Coach of Jordan by votes of fans and press. In Croatia Football Federation-HNS, Talajić is regarded as the prodigy of the Most successful manager in history by La Gazzetta dello Sport, Tomislav Ivić.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
August 25th, 1965
Birth Place
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Star Sign
Football Manager
Social Networks , Links
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