Don Wakamatsu

Don Wakamatsu
Don Wakamatsu

Wilbur Donald Wakamatsu is an American former professional baseball player, scout, coach, manager, and current Bench Coach of the Texas Rangers. Wakamatsu was drafted in the 11th round of the 1985 Major League Baseball draft by the Cincinnati Reds. He played as a catcher in Major League Baseball for the Chicago White Sox. He was hired as bench coach of the Kansas City Royals for the 2014 season. He was the manager of the Seattle Mariners for the 2009 season, as well as the majority of the 2010 season. He was the Toronto Blue Jays' bench coach for 2011 and 2012, after which he was replaced by DeMarlo Hale. During the 2013 season he worked as a scout for the New York Yankees in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
February 22nd, 1963
Birth Place
United States of America, Oregon
Star Sign
Baseball Player
Social Networks , Links
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