Dhani Harrison

Dhani Harrison
Dhani Harrison

Dhani Harrison is a British musician, composer and singer-songwriter. He is the son of George and Olivia Harrison. Harrison debuted as a professional musician assisting in recording his father's final album, Brainwashed, and completing it with the assistance of Jeff Lynne after his father's death in November 2001. Harrison formed his own band, thenewno2, in 2002 and has performed at festivals including Coachella where Spin magazine dubbed their performance as one of the "best debut performances of the festival." The band also played Lollapalooza three times with Harrison joining the festival's founder Perry Farrell on a cover of The Velvet Underground's "Sweet Jane" at 2010's event. In 2017 Harrison released his debut solo album IN///PARALLEL. The 2019 film IN///PARALIVE, showcases the live version of his debut solo album and was recorded in the round at the legendary Henson Studios in Los Angeles. Harrison's latest single, "Motorways ", was described by Rolling Stone as "a psychedelic track with a robust beat".

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
August 1st, 1978
Birth Place
United Kingdom, England
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