Delcídio do Amaral

Delcídio do Amaral
Delcídio do Amaral

Delcídio do Amaral Gomez is a Brazilian politician. He represented Mato Grosso do Sul in the Federal Senate from 2003 to 2016 and before he was removed from office, he was the high-representative of the Workers' Party in the Brazilian Senate. He was the speaker of his party in the Senate and the head of the Senate's economic affairs committee. Amaral was arrested in November 2015 for allegedly taking kickbacks from Petrobras. A Supreme Court judge, Teori Zavascki, said he authorised the arrest after seeing evidence that Amaral had planned the flight of Petrobras's former international director, Nestor Cerveró, in return for his silence. Ceveró was convicted of money laundering and sentenced to five years in prison.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
February 8th, 1955
Birth Place
Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul
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