Dara Singh

Dara Singh
Dara Singh

Dara Singh Randhawa was an Indian professional wrestler, actor and politician. He started acting in 1952 and was the first sportsman to be nominated to the Rajya Sabha of India. He worked as Hindi and Punjabi film producer, director and writer, and he acted in films and television. He is known for his undefeated worldwide streak in wrestling and later being a successful movie star. His role of Hanuman in the film Bajrangbali (1976) and in Ramanand Sagar's Ramayan made him popular. Singh was inducted into the Legacy Category of the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2018.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Death
July 12nd, 2012
Died Aged
WWE Wrestler
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Dadaji in Jab We Met
Hanuman in Ramayan
Hanuman in Luv Kush
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