Daniel Craig

Daniel Craig
Daniel Craig

Daniel Wroughton Craig is an English actor. He is best known for portraying James Bond in the eponymous film series, beginning with Casino Royale (2006), which brought him international fame. As of January 2021, he has starred in three more instalments, with a fourth set to be released in late 2021. Other notable roles include his breakthrough role in the drama serial Our Friends in the North (1996), the historical drama film Munich (2005), and the mystery thriller The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011).

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General Info
Full Name
Daniel Wroughton Craig
Date of Birth
March 2nd, 1968
Birth Place
United Kingdom, England
Star Sign
178 cm | 5'10
Social Networks , Links
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James Bond in Skyfall
James Bond in Casino Royale
Benoit Blanc in Knives Out
Mikael Blomkvist in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
James Bond in Quantum of Solace
James Bond in Spectre
Steve in Munich
Sakharine, Red Rackham in The Adventures of Tintin
Jake Lonergan in Cowboys & Aliens
XXXX in Layer Cake
Tuvia Bielski in Defiance
Lord Asriel in The Golden Compass
Joe Bang in Logan Lucky
Rudy Mackenzie in The Jacket
Ben Driscoll in The Invasion
Will Atenton in Dream House
Barthélémy Karas in Renaissance
Perry Smith in Infamous
Joe in Enduring Love
Darren in The Mother
Narrator in One Life
Obie Hardison in Kings
Geordie Peacock in Our Friends in the North
Ray in Some Voices
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