Dajana Eitberger

Dajana Eitberger
Dajana Eitberger

Dajana Eitberger is a German luger. She currently represents Germany in the women's singles event in the Luge World Cup. During the 2014–15 Luge World Cup season she was victorious in one event which was the final race of the season in Sochi. During that season she came in second twice and third four time and finished second in the overall standing behind her teammate, Natalie Geisenberger. The event in Sochi and doubled as the European championship and as such she is the current European champion.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
January 7th, 1991
Birth Place
Germany, Thuringia
Star Sign
180 cm | 5'11
Social Networks , Links
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