Cillian Murphy

Cillian Murphy
Cillian Murphy

Cillian Murphy is an Irish actor. He began his career performing as a rock musician. After turning down a record deal, he began his acting career in theatre, and in short and independent films in the late 1990s. His first notable film roles include Darren in Disco Pigs (2001), Jim in 28 Days Later (2002), John in Intermission (2003), Jackson Rippner in Red Eye (2005), and Patrick "Kitten" Braden in Breakfast on Pluto (2005). For Breakfast on Pluto, he was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy, and won an Irish Film and Television Award for Best Actor. Murphy is known for his collaborations with director Christopher Nolan, playing the Scarecrow in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Trilogy (2005–2012); as well as appearing in Inception (2010) and Dunkirk (2017).

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
May 25th, 1976
Birth Place
Ireland, Munster
Star Sign
172 cm | 5'8
Social Networks , Links
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Thomas Shelby in Peaky Blinders
Jim in 28 Days Later
Raymond Leon in In Time
Robert Capa in Sunshine
Agent Buchanan in Transcendence
Matthew Joy in In the Heart of the Sea
Jackson Rippner in Red Eye
Tom Buckley in Red Lights
Josef Gabcík in Anthropoid
Lenny Miller in Anna
Chris in Free Fire
Patrick 'Kitten' Braden in Breakfast on Pluto
John in Intermission
Martin in Retreat
Ivan in Aloft
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