Christian Bale

Christian Bale
Christian Bale

Christian Charles Philip Bale is an English actor. Known for his versatility and intensive method acting, he is the recipient of many awards, including an Academy Award and two Golden Globe Awards, and was featured in the Time 100 list of 2011.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Christian Charles Philip Bale
Date of Birth
January 30th, 1974
Birth Place
United Kingdom, Wales
Star Sign
182 cm | 6'0
Social Networks , Links
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Bruce Wayne in The Dark Knight
Bruce Wayne in The Dark Knight Rises
Bruce Wayne, Batman in Batman Begins
Alfred Borden in The Prestige
Patrick Bateman in American Psycho
Irving Rosenfeld in American Hustle
Michael Burry in The Big Short
Trevor Reznik in The Machinist
Dicky Eklund in The Fighter
John Preston in Equilibrium
John Connor in Terminator Salvation
Ken Miles in Ford v Ferrari
Dan Evans in 3:10 to Yuma
Melvin Purvis in Public Enemies
Thomas in Pocahontas
Chris Myers in The Promise
Dick Cheney in Vice
Dieter Dengler in Rescue Dawn
Russell Baze in Out of the Furnace
Quinn Abercromby in Reign of Fire
Jack, Pastor John in I'm Not There
John Rolfe in The New World
John Miller in The Flowers of War
Walter Wade, Jr. in Shaft
Arthur Stuart in Velvet Goldmine
Rick in Knight of Cups
Jack Kelly in Newsies
Sam in Laurel Canyon
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