Chris Shiflett

Chris Shiflett
Chris Shiflett

Christopher Aubrey Shiflett is an American musician. He is most recognizable as lead guitarist for the American rock band Foo Fighters. He was previously a member of the punk rock bands No Use for a Name (1995–1999) and Me First and the Gimme Gimmes (1995–2019). He joined the Foo Fighters in 1999 following the release of their third album There Is Nothing Left to Lose, and performed with the Foo Fighters and the Gimmes, as well as several other side projects, simultaneously. He also hosts a podcast titled Walking the Floor and has released two solo albums, the most recent in 2019.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Christopher Aubrey Shiflett
Date of Birth
May 6th, 1971
Birth Place
United States of America, California
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