Chion of Heraclea

Chion of Heraclea

Chion was the son of Matris, a noble citizen of Heraclea, on the Pontus and was a disciple of Plato. Together with Leon, Euxenon, and other young men from noble families, he helped assassinate Clearchus, the tyrant of Heraclea. Most of the conspirators were killed by the tyrant's body guards, others were put to death later, after being tortured. Rule of the city passed to Clearchus' brother, Satyrus, who is generally considered to have been a worse tyrant than Clearchus.

From *,
General Info
Birth Place
Zonguldak Province, Karadeniz Ereğli
Date of Death
January 1st, -0353
Died Aged
Social Networks , Links
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