Chares of Lindos

Chares of Lindos
Chares of Lindos

Chares of Lindos was a Greek sculptor born on the island of Rhodes. He was a pupil of Lysippos. Chares constructed the Colossus of Rhodes in 282 BC, an enormous bronze statue of the sun god Helios and also the patron god of Rhodes. The statue was built to commemorate Rhodes' victory over the invading Macedonians in 305 BC, led by Demetrius I, son of Antigonus, a general under Alexander the Great. Also attributed to Chares was a colossal head which was brought to Rome and dedicated by P. Lentulus Spinther on the Capitoline Hill, in 57 BC.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
January 1st, -0400
Birth Place
South Aegean Region
Date of Death
January 1st, -0280
Died Aged
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