Caroline Graham

Caroline Graham

Caroline Agnes Horsley-Beresford, Duchess of Montrose (1818-1894) who used the pseudonym "Mr Manton", of 45 Belgrave Square, London and Sefton Lodge, Newmarket, was a notable racehorse owner, a "wildly extravagant woman" who "strode across the racing scene". She was known as the "Red Duchess", from both her scarlet racing colours and her habit of dressing from head to foot in that colour at race meetings. It was said of her in one of her obituaries that "few women in England create more stir in all classes of society". She betted heavily, hardly ever missed attending a race meeting where her horses were competing, and associated almost exclusively with followers of the turf.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
January 17th, 1818
Date of Death
January 17th, 1894
Died Aged
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