Bruno Manser

Bruno Manser
Bruno Manser

Bruno Manser was a Swiss environmental activist. From 1984 to 1990, he stayed with the Penan tribe in Sarawak, Malaysia, organising several blockades against timber companies. After he emerged from the forests in 1990, he engaged in public activism for rainforest preservation and the human rights of indigenous peoples, especially the Penan, which brought him into conflict with the Malaysian government. He also founded the Swiss non-governmental organization (NGO) Bruno Manser Fonds in 1991. Manser disappeared during his last journey to Sarawak in May 2000 and is presumed dead.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
August 25th, 1954
Birth Place
Switzerland, Basel-Stadt
Date of Death
March 10th, 2005
Died Aged
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