Brian Sreamhach Ua Briain

Brian Sreamhach Ua Briain

Brian Sreamhach Ua Briain, also known as Briain Catha-an-Aonaigh Ó Briain, and Brian Ó Briain, was King of Thomond from 1369 to 1400. He was the son of Mathghamhain Maonmhaighe Ó Briain. In about 1370 or 1371, he defeated and captured Gerald FitzGerald, 3rd Earl of Desmond near Limerick. On his death in 1400 he was succeeded by his brother Conchobhar, who was succeeded on his death in 1426 by Brian's son Tadhg na Glaoidh Mór.

From *,
General Info
Date of Death
January 1st, 1400
Died Aged
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