Bjaðmunjo Mýrjartaksdóttir

Bjaðmunjo Mýrjartaksdóttir

Bjaðmunjo Mýrjartaksdóttir was a daughter of a Muirchertach Ua Briain, High King of Ireland. In 1102 whilst still a child, she was married to Sigurðr, son of Magnús Óláfsson, King of Norway. At this time, Magnús appears to have been in the process of setting up his son as king over the Earldom of Orkney, the Kingdom of the Isles, and the Kingdom of Dublin. The marriage temporarily bound Muirchertach and Magnús together as allies before the latter's death the following year. Sigurðr thereupon repudiated Bjaðmunjo, and left for Scandinavia, where he proceeded to share the Norwegian kingship with his brothers.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 30th, 1049
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