Bart Huges

Bart Huges
Bart Huges

Hugo Bart Huges was a Dutch librarian and proponent of trepanation. He attended medical school at the University of Amsterdam, but was refused a degree due to his advocacy of LSD research and naming his daughter "Maria Juana". In 1964 he published "The Mechanism of Brainbloodvolume ('BBV')", a scroll in which he proposed that trepanation could be used to enhance brain functionality by balancing the proportion of blood and cerebral spinal fluid. Huges believed that, when mankind began to walk upright, our brains drained of blood and that trepanation allowed the blood to better flow in and out of the brain, causing a permanent "high". Using a foot-operated electric dentist drill, Huges drilled a hole in his skull on 6 January 1965. He also published "Trepanation: A Cure for Psychosis", in which he expanded upon his theory, and an autobiography, The Book With The Hole, in 1972.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
April 23rd, 1934
Date of Death
August 30th, 2004
Died Aged
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