Barry Sanders

Barry Sanders
Barry Sanders

Barry Sanders is an American former professional football player who was a running back for the Detroit Lions of the National Football League (NFL). A Pro Bowl invitee in each of his ten NFL seasons and two-time NFL Offensive Player of the Year, Sanders led the league in rushing yards four times and established himself as one of the most elusive runners in pro football with his quickness and agility. In 2007, he was ranked by NFL Network's NFL Top 10 series as the most elusive runner in NFL history, and was also voted the greatest short player of all time as well as being placed #1 on the list of the greatest players never to play in a Super Bowl. He is often regarded as one of the greatest running backs in NFL history.

From *,
General Info
Full Name
Barry David Sanders
Date of Birth
July 16th, 1968
Birth Place
United States of America, Kansas
Star Sign
American Football Player
Social Networks , Links
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