

Attalus, son of Andromenes from Tymphaia, and one of Alexander's officers, was accused with his brothers, Amyntas and Simmias, of having been engaged in the conspiracy of Philotas in 330 BC, but was acquitted, together with his brothers. In 328, Attalus was left with Polyperchon and other officers in Bactria with part of the troops, while the king himself marched against the Sogdians. He accompanied Alexander in his expedition into India, and was employed in several important duties. In Alexander's last illness in 323, Attalus was one of the seven chief officers who passed the night in the temple of Serapis at Babylon, in order to learn from the god whether Alexander should be carried into the temple.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
January 1st, -0400
Date of Death
January 1st, -0316
Died Aged
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