Arthur Lyttelton

Arthur Lyttelton
Arthur Lyttelton

Arthur Temple Lyttelton was an Anglican Bishop from the Lyttelton family. After studying at Eton College and Cambridge University, he was ordained as a priest in 1877, and was a curate at St Mary's in Reading. He later served as vicar in Eccles, before being appointed as the third Suffragan Bishop of Southampton. He gave and published a number of lectures relating to his faith, and was the Hulsean Lecturer in 1891. He was also one of eleven members of the Lyttelton family to play first-class cricket.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
January 7th, 1852
Birth Place
United Kingdom, England, City of Westminster
Date of Death
February 19th, 1903
Died Aged
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