Armas Taipale

Armas Taipale
Armas Taipale

Armas Rudolf Taipale was a Finnish athlete. He competed at the 1912 Summer Olympics and won gold medals in two discus throw events, conventional and two-handed, where the total was counted as a sum of best throws with a left hand and with a right hand. After World War I he won a silver medal in the conventional discus throw at the 1920 Olympics and finished tenth in the shot put. At the 1924 Olympics he competed only in the discus throw and finished in 12th place. Taipale set two unofficial world records in the discus.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
July 27th, 1890
Birth Place
Finland, Uusimaa
Date of Death
November 9th, 1976
Died Aged
Star Sign
191 cm | 6'3
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