Ariano Suassuna

Ariano Suassuna
Ariano Suassuna

Ariano Vilar Suassuna was a Brazilian playwright and author. He is in the "Movimento Armorial". He founded the Student Theater at Federal University of Pernambuco. Four of his plays have been filmed, and he was considered one of Brazil's greatest living playwrights of his time. He was also an important regional writer, doing various novels set in the Northeast of Brazil. He received an honorary doctorate at a ceremony performed at a circus. He was the author of, among other works, the "Auto da Compadecida" and "A Pedra do Reino". He was a staunch defender of the culture of the Northeast, and his works dealt with the popular culture of the Northeast.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
June 16th, 1927
Birth Place
Brazil, Paraíba
Date of Death
July 23rd, 2014
Died Aged
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