Angela Warnick Buchdahl

Angela Warnick Buchdahl
Angela Warnick Buchdahl

Angela Warnick Buchdahl is an American rabbi. She was the first Asian-American to be ordained as a rabbi, and the first Asian-American to be ordained as a hazzan (cantor) anywhere in the world. In 2011 she was named by Newsweek and the Daily Beast as one of "America's Most Influential Rabbis," and in 2012 by the Daily Beast as one of “America’s 50 Most Influential Rabbis.” Buchdahl was recognized as one of the top five in The Forward's 2014 "Forward Fifty", a list of American Jews who have had the most impact on the national scene in the previous year.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
July 8th, 1972
Birth Place
South Korea
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