Amanda Schulman

Amanda Schulman
Amanda Schulman

Amanda Maria Linnea Sunnanäng Schulman is a Swedish television producer and media-personality. Schulman has worked in different fields within media and television, within the production company Mastiff she has been the manager for character driven programs. Along with her sister Hannah Widell she runs the production company Perfect day since 2011. At the newspaper Aftonbladets website the two sisters runs the lifestyle project C/O Hannah och Amanda, which included blogs and the web-TV show Middag med Hannah & Amanda. In 2012, the concept was expanded with the magazine C/O Hannah & Amanda which is released once a month. Together they also have the podcast Fredagspodden med Hannah och Amanda.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
May 15th, 1980
Birth Place
Sweden, Stockholm County
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