Alfred Messel

Alfred Messel
Alfred Messel

Alfred Messel was one of the most well-known German architect at the turning point to the 20th century, creating a new style for buildings which bridged the transition from historicism to modernism. Messel was able to combine the structure, decoration, and function of his buildings, which ranged from department stores, museums, office buildings, mansions, and social housing to soup kitchens, into a coherent, harmonious whole. As an urban architect striving for excellence he was in many respects ahead of his time. His most well known works, the Wertheim department stores and the Pergamon Museum in Berlin, reflect a new concept of self-confident metropolitan architecture. His architectural drawings and construction plans are preserved at the Architecture Museum of the Technical University of Berlin.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
July 22nd, 1853
Birth Place
Germany, Hesse
Date of Death
March 24th, 1909
Died Aged
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