Alfred FitzRoy, 8th Duke of Grafton

Alfred FitzRoy, 8th Duke of Grafton
Alfred FitzRoy, 8th Duke of Grafton

Alfred William Maitland FitzRoy, 8th Duke of Grafton, styled Lord Alfred FitzRoy between 1882 and 1912 and Earl of Euston between 1912 and 1918, was the second son of Augustus FitzRoy, 7th Duke of Grafton and his wife Anna Balfour, daughter of James Balfour (-1845) and aunt of Arthur Balfour. His elder brother and heir to the dukedom Henry James FitzRoy, Earl of Euston died in 1912, before their father's death. He was a lieutenant in the Coldstream Guards, and deputy lieutenant for Suffolk

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
March 3rd, 1850
Date of Death
January 10th, 1930
Died Aged
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