Abbas III

Abbas III
Abbas III

Abbas III reigned 1732–1736; was a son of Shah Tahmasp II and Shahpari Begum of the Safavid dynasty. After the deposition of his father by Nader Khan the infant Abbas was appointed nominal ruler of Iran on 7 September 1732. Nader Khan, who was the real ruler of the country, assumed the positions of deputy of state and viceroy. Abbas III was deposed in March 1736, when Nader Khan had himself crowned as Nader Shah. This marked the official end of the Safavid dynasty. Abbas was sent to join his father in prison in Sabzevar, Khorasan.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
December 31st, 1731
Date of Death
January 31st, 1740
Died Aged
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