21 Savage

21 Savage
21 Savage

Shéyaa Bin Abraham-Joseph, better known by his stage name 21 Savage, is a rapper, songwriter, and record producer. Born in London, he was brought to Atlanta by his mother at the age of seven. He became known for the 2015 mixtape The Slaughter Tape before attaining nationwide attention following an EP collaboration with producer Metro Boomin called Savage Mode (2016), and its popular singles "X" and "No Heart", as well as guest features on the 2016 Drake single "Sneakin'" and the 2017 Post Malone single "Rockstar".

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Full Name
Shéyaa Bin Abraham-Joseph
Date of Birth
October 22nd, 1992
Birth Place
United Kingdom, England
Star Sign
182 cm | 6'0
Social Networks , Links
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