İsmet İnönü

İsmet İnönü
İsmet İnönü

Mustafa İsmet İnönü was a Turkish general and statesman, who served as the second President of Turkey from 11 November 1938 to 22 May 1950, when his Republican People's Party was defeated in Turkey's second free elections. He also served as the first Chief of the General Staff from 1922 to 1924, and as the first Prime Minister after the declaration of the Republic, serving three terms: from 1923 to 1924, 1925 to 1937, and 1961 to 1965. As President, he was granted the official title of "Millî Şef".

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
September 24th, 1884
Birth Place
İzmir Province
Date of Death
December 25th, 1973
Died Aged
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