Álmos, Grand Prince of the Magyars

Álmos, Grand Prince of the Magyars
Álmos, Grand Prince of the Magyars

Álmos, also Almos or Almus, was — according to the uniform account of Hungarian chronicles — the first head of the "loose federation" of the Hungarian tribes from around 850. Whether he was the sacred ruler (kende) of the Hungarians, or their military leader (gyula) is subject to scholarly debate. He apparently accepted the Khazar khagan's suzerainty in the first decade of his reign, but the Hungarians acted independently of the Khazars from around 860. The 14th-century Illuminated Chronicle narrates that he was murdered in Transylvania at the beginning of the Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basin around 895.

From *.wikipedia.org,
General Info
Date of Birth
November 30th, 0819
Date of Death
November 30th, 0894
Died Aged
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