List of Famous people named Zipoetes

Here are some famous Zipoeteses:

Zipoetes I of Bithynia

First Name Zipoetes
Born on January 1, -0354
Died on January 1, -0278 (aged 76)

Zipoetes I, also Zipoites I or Ziboetes I, possibly Tiboetes I was the second independent ruler of Bithynia.

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Zipoetes II of Bithynia

First Name Zipoetes
Died on November 30, -0277

Zipoetes II, also Zipoites II or Ziboetes II, possibly Tiboetes II was a ruler of Bithynia from 279 BCE to 276 BCE; his name, which survives chiefly in Hellenized forms, has three syllables.

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Zipoetes III of Bithynia

First Name Zipoetes
Born on January 1, -0300
Died on January 1, -0220 (aged 80)
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Don't know him/her
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