List of Famous people named Zeti

Similar names: Seth, Zita, Zyta, Seti, Seeta, Siti, Setya, Sete, Szeto, Sitt, Sita. Here are some famous Zetis:

Zeti Akhtar Aziz

First Name Zeti
Born on August 27, 1947 (age 77)
Born in Malaysia, Johor

Zeti Akhtar Aziz is currently the Group Chairman of Permodalan Nasional Berhad. She was the 7th Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia, Malaysia's central bank. She was Governor from 2000 to 2016, and was the first woman in the position. She was one of the members of the Council of Eminent Persons in Mahathir's second administration, a special advisory council advising the government on economic and financial matters during this transitional period.

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