List of Famous people named Yong

Here are some famous Yongs:

Yong Jun-hyung

First Name Yong
Last Name Jun-hyung
Born on December 19, 1989 (age 34)
Born in South Korea

Yong Jun-hyung, commonly known as Junhyung, is a South Korean singer-songwriter, rapper, record producer, and actor. He was a member of the K-pop boy band Highlight from 2009 until 2019, when he departed the group after admitting to viewing illicit videos. The police have stated that he is only being considered a witness at this point in time in the Burning Sun scandal.

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Yong Hock Kin

First Name Yong
Last Name Kin
Born on June 14, 1974 (age 50)
Born in Malaysia

Yong Hock Kin is a former badminton player from Malaysia.

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Yong Yudianto

First Name Yong
Last Name Yudianto
Born on November 30, 1969 (age 54)
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Yong Mei

First Name Yong
Last Name Mei
Born on February 14, 1970 (age 54)

Yong Mei is a Chinese actress. In 2019, she won the Silver Bear for Best Actress at the 69th Berlin International Film Festival for her performance in the film So Long, My Son directed by Wang Xiaoshuai.

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