List of Famous people named Variyan

Here are some famous Variyans:

Variyan Kunnathu Kunjahammed Haji

First Name Variyan
Born on November 30, 1876
Died on January 20, 1922 (aged 45)

Chakkiparamban Variyankunnathu Kunjahammed Haji was an activist of Khilafat Movement who led the Malabar War against the British, which culminated in an attempt to establish an Republic State. He ran a parallel government, in open defiance of British rulers, for more than six months in most parts of the then Eranadu and Valluvanadu taluks. He seized control of a large area from the British rule and set up a parallel government against British in Malabar, named 'Malayala Rajyam' and now part of the Kerala State, India, with his long term mentor, friend Ali Musliyar.

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