List of Famous people named Tak

Similar names: Takeo, Takao, Takaya, Takeya, Tacko, Take, Takayo, Tack. Here are some famous Taks:

Tak Sakaguchi

First Name Tak
Last Name Sakaguchi
Born on March 15, 1975 (age 49)
Born in Japan

Tak Sakaguchi is a Japanese actor, director, fight choreographer, and stuntman. He is best known for his role in Ryuhei Kitamura's cult film, Versus. Since his debut, Sakaguchi has worked with Kitamura several times, often appearing alongside fellow Kitamura staple Hideo Sakaki. He has also worked with frequent Kitamura collaborators Yudai Yamaguchi and Yuji Shimomura. Sakaguchi is a talented martial artist, and most often appears in films featuring copious fight scenes, usually performing all of his own stunts. He is purportedly skilled in Bajiquan, Shorinji Kempo, Boxing, Kickboxing, and while recently filming Re:Born learned the tactical martial art Zero Range Combat developed by Yoshitaka Inagawa.

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Tak Wah Mak

First Name Tak
Last Name Mak
Born on October 4, 1946 (age 78)

Tak Wah Mak, is a Canadian medical researcher, geneticist, oncologist, and biochemist. He first became widely known for his discovery of the T-cell receptor in 1983 and pioneering work in the genetics of immunology. In 1995, Mak published a landmark paper on the discovery of the function of the immune checkpoint protein CTLA-4, thus opening the path for immunotherapy/checkpoint inhibitors as a means of cancer treatment. Mak is also the founder of Agios Pharmaceuticals, whose lead compound, IDHIFA®, was approved by the FDA for acute myeloid leukemia in August 2017, becoming the first drug specifically targeting cancer metabolism to be used for cancer treatment. He has worked in a variety of areas including biochemistry, immunology, and cancer genetics.

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Tak Fujimoto

First Name Tak
Last Name Fujimoto
Born on July 12, 1939 (age 85)

Takashi "Tak" Fujimoto, ASC is an American cinematographer.

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Tak Fan Au Yeung

First Name Tak
Last Name Yeung
Born on October 9, 1966 (age 58)
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