List of Famous people named Slava

Name Slava is among the most common names in Russia. Here are some famous Slavas:

Slava Zaitsev

Вячеслав Михайлович Кокурин
First Name Slava
Born on March 2, 1938 (age 86)

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Zaitsev, more commonly known as Slava Zaitsev, born 2 March 1938 in Ivanovo, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, is a Soviet/Russian fashion designer, painter, graphic artist, and theatrical costume designer.

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Slava Polunin

First Name Slava
Born on June 12, 1950 (age 74)

Vyacheslav Ivanovich “Slava” Polunin PAR is a Russian performance artist and clown. He is the creator of the stage spectacles Asisyai-revue, Slava's Snowshow and Diabolo.

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Slava Voynov

Vyacheslav "Slava" Leonidovich Voynov is a Russian professional ice hockey defenceman who is currently an unrestricted free agent. He most recently played for Avangard Omsk of the Kontinental Hockey League (KHL), while also being suspended by the National Hockey League (NHL). The Los Angeles Kings terminated Voynov's six-year, $25 million contract in 2015 but retained his rights. Voynov was selected by the Kings in the second round, 32nd overall, of the 2008 NHL Entry Draft.

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Slava Marlow

Артём Артёмович Готлиб
First Name Slava
Born on October 27, 1999 (age 24)
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Slava Rabinovich

First Name Slava
Born on May 6, 1966 (age 58)
Born in Russia
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Slava Parshin

First Name Slava
Born on November 30, 1983 (age 40)
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