List of Famous people named Shannen

Similar names: Shannyn, Shanyn. Here are some famous Shannens:

Shannen Doherty

Shannen Maria Doherty
First Name Shannen
Born on April 12, 1971 (age 53)
Height 157 cm | 5'2

Shannen Maria Doherty is an American actress, producer, and television director. She is known for her roles as Jenny Wilder in Little House on the Prairie (1982–1983), Maggie Malene in Girls Just Want to Have Fun (1985), Kris Witherspoon in Our House (1986–1988), Heather Duke in Heathers (1988), Brenda Walsh in Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990–94), 90210 (2008-2009) and again in BH90210 (2019); and Prue Halliwell in Charmed (1998–2001).

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