List of Famous people named Shankar

Similar names: Shankarrao. Here are some famous Shankars:

Shankar Mahadevan

First Name Shankar
Last Name Mahadevan
Born on March 3, 1967 (age 57)
Born in India, Mumbai

Shankar Mahadevan is an Indian singer and composer who is part of the Shankar–Ehsaan–Loy composing trio team for Indian films.

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Shankar Bidari

First Name Shankar
Last Name Bidari
Born on August 27, 1954 (age 69)
Born in India

Shankar Mahadev Bidari was the Director General and Inspector General of Police (DG&IGP) of the state of Karnataka. An Indian Police Service officer of 1978 batch, he was also the Commissioner of Police, Bangalore City. Bidari hails from Banahatti City in Bagalkot District, Karnataka. He was succeeded as DG & IGP by Abdul Rahman Infant in March 2012.

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