List of Famous people named Seyni

Similar names: Sean, Sienna, Zeno, Zena, Zeena, Siena, Seina, Sen, Zen, Zenna, Seena, Sien, Sina, Seann, Sein, Seana, Saena, Senne, Zienia, Sinah. Here are some famous Seynis:

Seyni Oumarou

First Name Seyni
Last Name Oumarou
Born on August 9, 1950 (age 74)

Seyni Oumarou is a Nigerien politician who was Prime Minister of Niger from June 2007 to September 2009 and President of the National Assembly of Niger from November 2009 to February 2010. He is from the west of the country and is a member of the Djerma ethnic group. Since November 2008, he has been the President of the National Movement for the Development of Society (MNSD). He unsuccessfully stood as a presidential candidate in 2011 and 2016. After years as an opposition leader under President Mahamadou Issoufou, he was appointed to the post of High Representative of the President in October 2016.

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