List of Famous people named Sereno

Similar names: Serena, Sirena, Sereina, Sirine. Here are some famous Serenos:

Sereno Watson

First Name Sereno
Last Name Watson
Born on December 1, 1826
Died on March 9, 1892 (aged 65)

Sereno Watson was an American botanist. Graduating from Yale in 1847 in Biology, he drifted through various occupations until, in California, he joined the Clarence King Expedition and eventually became its expedition botanist. Appointed by Asa Gray as assistant in the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University in 1873, he later became its curator, a position he maintained until his death. Watson was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1874, and a member of the National Academy of Sciences in 1889.

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