List of Famous people named Sein

Similar names: Sean, Sienna, Zeno, Zena, Zeena, Siena, Seina, Sen, Zen, Zenna, Seena, Sien, Sina, Seann, Seana, Saena, Senne, Zienia, Seyni, Sinah. Here are some famous Seins:

Sein Win

First Name Sein
Last Name Win
Born on December 16, 1944 (age 80)
Born in Myanmar, Bago

Sein Win is a Burmese politician, who served as Chairman of National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma, a "government in exile". He was made unofficial Prime Minister of the Union of Burma, on being elected by the 1990 People's Assembly known as the National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma, a government-in-exile since 1990.

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