List of Famous people named Saina

Similar names: Zayn, Zayne. Here are some famous Sainas:

Saina Nehwal

First Name Saina
Last Name Nehwal
Born on March 17, 1990 (age 34)
Born in India
Height 165 cm | 5'5

Saina Nehwal is an Indian professional badminton singles player. A former world no. 1, she has won over 24 international titles, which includes eleven Superseries titles. Although she reached the world's 2nd in the 2009, it was only in 2015 that she was able to attain the world no. 1 ranking, thereby becoming the only female player from India and overall the second Indian player – after Prakash Padukone – to achieve this feat. She has represented India three times in the Olympics, winning a bronze medal in her second appearance.

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