List of Famous people named Ronda

Similar names: Rhonda, Rondae, Rondo, Ronde. Here are some famous Rondas:

Ronda Rousey

Ronda Jean Rousey
First Name Ronda
Last Name Rousey
Height 165 cm | 5'5

Ronda Jean Rousey is an American professional wrestler, actress and former professional mixed martial artist and judoka. She is currently signed to WWE as a wrestler. Her longstanding nickname, "Rowdy", was inherited from late professional wrestler Roddy Piper.

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Ronda Stryker

First Name Ronda
Last Name Stryker
Born on January 1, 1954 (age 70)
Net Worth $6.5B

Ronda E. Stryker is an American billionaire heiress, a granddaughter of Homer Stryker, the founder of medical equipment manufacturer Stryker Corporation, of which she is a director.

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