List of Famous people named Robb

Similar names: Rob, Robbie, Robby, Robbi, Robia, Robie. Here are some famous Robbs:

Robb Derringer

First Name Robb
Last Name Derringer
Born on July 6, 1967 (age 57)

Robbie Warren Derringer is an American actor.

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Robb Stauber

First Name Robb
Last Name Stauber
Born on November 25, 1967 (age 57)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Robert Thomas Stauber is an American ice hockey coach and former player. He was the head coach of the United States women's national ice hockey team. He played the goaltender position at the University of Minnesota and professionally with the Los Angeles Kings and Buffalo Sabres of the National Hockey League.

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Robb Banks

First Name Robb
Last Name Banks
Born on September 24, 1994 (age 30)

Richard O'Neil Burrell better known by his stage name Robb Banks, is an American rapper. Born in New York City, the rapper later moved to Broward County, Florida, at age six and has lived there ever since. He gained recognition with the Raider Klan movement in 2012 where he would debut his first mixtape Calendars and his follow-up mixtape Tha City in 2013. His debut studio album, Year of the Savage, was released on October 2, 2015.

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Robb Wells

First Name Robb
Last Name Wells
Born on October 28, 1971 (age 53)

Robb Wells is a Canadian actor and screenwriter best known for portraying Ricky LaFleur on Trailer Park Boys. He is a co-founder of and often appears in sketches for the Internet media channel.

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